Designation of Main Spindle (P-CHAN-00053)
Besides the logical axis number for the main spindle also an axis name must be assigned. This axis name is necessary for its programming in part programs. For this the parameter „main_spindle_name“ must be entered. For the axis name any designation is allowed, only the first character must be an "S"!
| |
The axis designation of the main spindle cannot be changed in part program. But if the main spindle is changed (#MAIN SPINDLE,[PROG]), these axis designation is also valid for the new main spindle. |
Variable name | Type | Permitted range | Dimension |
main_spindle_name | ACHS_NAME | String | ---- |
ACHS_NAME consists of following array:
Variable name | Type | Index | Dimension |
zeichen[m] | ISG_CHAR | m = 0 ... [ACHS_NAME_LAENGE - 1] | ---- |
Value ACHS_NAME_LAENGE | Significance |
application-dependent | Max. length of spindle name |
EXAMPLE:In part program the main spindle name (log. axis number 6) shall be „S“.
Extract from channel parameters list:
# Spindeldaten
main_spindle_ax_nr 6
main_spindle_name S