Rapid traversing override (P-CHAN-00181)
You can use this entry to define whether the override interface for influencing rapid traversing blocks is active and how the rapid traversing override is to take place. The activation of the interface deactivates the influencing of the acceleration according to P-CHAN-00170.
Variable name | Type | Permitted range | Dimension |
g00_override_mode | String | „NOT_USED“, „MINIMUM_OF_G0_G1“, „ACTIVE“ | ---- |
| UNS16 | 0/1/2 (alternativ zu String) | ---- |
NOT_USED | 0 | Rapid traversing override is inactive. Rapid traversing override acts on feed and rapid traversing blocks. |
MINIMUM_OF_G0_G1 | 1 | Rapid traversing override is active. The feed override acts in the case of feed blocks and minimum of the feed and rapid traversing override acts in the case of rapid traversing blocks. |
ACTIVE | 2 | Rapid traversing override is active. The feed override acts in the case of feed blocks and only the rapid traversing override acts in the case of rapid traversing blocks. |
Please note in ACTIVE mode, that G0 movements can be influenced solely by the rapid traversing override! |