Single step operating mode (P-CHAN-00015)

If "einzelschrittmodus" is set to -1 and single step mode is activated via HMI, then only at the end of NC-blocks with axes movements occurs a stoppage occurs.

If "einzelschrittmodus" is set to 0 and single step mode is activated via HMI, then at the end of NC-blocks with axes movements and other NC blocks with relevant control information a stoppage occurs.

If "einzelschrittmodus" is set to 1 and single step mode is activated via HMI, then at the end of every NC-block a stoppage occurs. Only the comment lines are skipped.

If motion blocks are added or block limits are changed by some specific NC commands (e.g. tool radius compensation, spline, polynomial contouring ...), these new block limits also define the stoppage in single step mode.

Variable name


Permitted range




-1, 0, 1



Single step mode only for NC motion blocks


Single step mode for NC motion blocks and relevant control blocks (Default)


Single step mode for all NC blocks