Default name of an axis (P-AXIS-00297)
The element 'log_achs_name' defines the default name of an axis in the system. It is only used at name conflicts in connection with the extended axes exchange operations [PROG - Chapter - Axes exchange commands]. Therefor the axis should have a distinct system global name analogous to the logical axis number. Beside this the default name has no meaning, because the axis name is defined in the channel configuration (P-CHAN-00006).
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The axis designations must begin with the letters A, B, C, U, V, W, X, Y, Z or Q. Subsequently, all the letters and digits are possible. |
Variable name | Type | Permissible range | Dimension |
bezeichnung | ACHS_NAME | String | ---- |
ACHS_NAME consist of the following array:
Variable name | Type | Index | Dimension |
zeichen[m] | SGN08 | m = 0 ... [ACHS_NAME_LAENGE - 1] | ---- |
Value ACHS_NAME_LAENGE | Significance | ||
application-dependent | Maximum length of axis designation |