Classification of compensation data
The data for the compensation processes
- Cross compensation,
- Plane compensation and
- Leadscrew error compensation
are stored in so called compensation lists (achskw*.lis) for each axis. These lists are interpreted during startup of the control, or they can be updated at a later point of time.
Some specific entries must be present in the startup description to announce the compensation table to the control system [see startup list].
In the moment only axis configurations with one axis group are possible [see channel parameters]. Therefore "dec_achs_nr" = "achsen_idx". |
The compensation value list consists of a list header in which general data is entered and the list body in which the compensation algorithm is programmed, and which contains the actual compensation table.
The basic axes configuration of the NC-channel is defined in the channel parameter list.
The activation of a compensation is set in the corresponding axis parameter list [see axis parameters] (P-AXIS-00047, P-AXIS-00174, P-AXIS-00175).