Operation without encoder
During the operation without encoder the generated pulses of the terminal are supplied as actual positions to the CNC internal position controller. The velocity command values, calculated by the position controller, are supplied to the stepping motor terminal, and causes the movement of the stepping motor.
Because the drive is operated in a pseudo position control loop, the parameterization of the stepping motor in the axis parameter list is done by analogy with the parameterization of a drive with +/- 10V interface. Also, here the use of the velocity pre-control is possible (see also chapter 1.7.1).
The position lag monitoring of the axis is not possible, because no real position feedback of the axis is available.Since a stepping motor can loose steps or stops moving at dynamic overloading (loosing synchronism of the stepping motor), the dimensioning and parameterization of the dynamic parameters of the motor has to be done with special care. |