Example: Translatory axis with CNC position controlled SERCOS-drive

Example: Translatory axis with CNC position controlled SERCOS-

The axis moves one millimeter per motor revolution. In the drive a linear scaling is used for the position data:

Scaling factor: S-0-0077 = 1

Scaling exponent: S-0-0078 = -7

The path resolution of the measuring system is therefore: Example: Translatory axis with CNC position controlled SERCOS-drive 1: = 0,1 µm

The feed constant results from on millimeter movement per motor revolution:

S-0-0123 = Example: Translatory axis with CNC position controlled SERCOS-drive 2: = 10000

Also, a linear scaling is used for the velocity data:

Scaling factor: S-0-045 = 1

Scaling exponent: S-0-046 = -4

The scaling factor of the velocity data is therefore Example: Translatory axis with CNC position controlled SERCOS-drive 3:.

The scaling of the correction variable is:

Example: Translatory axis with CNC position controlled SERCOS-drive 4:

Extract from axis parameter list:

getriebe[0].wegaufz 1
getriebe[0].wegaufn 1
getriebe[0].multi_gain_z 10000
getriebe[0].multi_gain_n 1