Function block for controlling an 'Elsner P03' weather station directly from the PLC program.
uiId : UINT;
bStartExecution : BOOL;
bStopExecution : BOOL;
uiId: object ID of the instance (see also).
bStartExecution: starts the instance of the ‘Elsner P03’ weather station.
bStopExecution: stops the instance of the ‘Elsner P03’ weather station.
uiErrorId : UINT;
iErrorParameter : INT;
eExecutionState : E_BAF_ExecutionState;
uiErrorId : UINT;
iErrorParameter : INT;
eExecutionState : E_BAF_ExecutionState;
lrTemperature : LREAL;
lrWindSpeed : LREAL;
lrBrightnessEast : LREAL;
lrBrightnessSouth : LREAL;
lrBrightnessWest : LREAL;
lrDaylight : LREAL;
lrRain : LREAL;
lrDampedTemperature : LREAL;
eTypeOfSeason : E_BAF_WeatherStationTypeOfSeason;
dtTimeDate : DT;
iDaylightSavingTime : INT;
bThresholdSwitchTemperatureValue : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchTemperatureRisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchTemperatureFallingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed1Value : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed1RisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed1FallingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed2Value : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed2RisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed2FallingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed3Value : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed3RisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed3FallingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessEastValue : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessEastRisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessEastFallingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessSouthValue : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessSouthRisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessSouthFallingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessWestValue : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessWestRisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessWestFallingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchDaylightValue : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchDaylightRisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchDaylightFallingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchRainValue : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchRainRisingEdge : BOOL;
bThresholdSwitchRainFallingEdge : BOOL;
uiErrorId: contains the error code of the last-executed command (see error codes).
iErrorParameter: contains the specific parameters of the error code (see error codes).
eExecutionState: contains the current execution status of the instance of the 'Elsner P03' weather station.
lrTemperature: current outside temperature [°C].
lrWindSpeed: momentary wind speed [m/s].
lrBrightnessEast: brightness on the east side [klux].
lrBrightnessSouth: brightness on the south side [klux].
lrBrightnessWest: brightness on the west side [klux].
lrDaylight: indicates the daylight level [0-999 lux].
lrRain: is set to 1.0 as soon as precipitation is detected. Please note that with this weather station the precipitation can only adopt the values 0.0 (no rainfall) or 1.0 (rainfall).
lrDampedTemperature: average temperature measured over the course of the day [°C].
eTypeOfSeason: indicates the season in relation to the damped temperature.
dtTimeDate: Date and time received by the time signal transmitter DCF77.
iDaylightSavingTime: Indication whether summer or winter time prevails, received by the time signal transmitter DCF77 (0: undefined, 1: wintertime, 2: summertime).
bThresholdSwitchTemperatureValue: state of the threshold value switch for monitoring the outside temperature.
bThresholdSwitchTemperatureRisingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring the outside temperature is activated.
bThresholdSwitchTemperatureFallingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring the outside temperature is deactivated.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed1Value: state of the first threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed1RisingEdge: The output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the first threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed is activated.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed1FallingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the first threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed is deactivated.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed2Value: state of the second threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed2RisingEdge: The output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the second threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed is activated.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed2FallingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the second threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed is deactivated.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed3Value: state of the third threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed3RisingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the third threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed is activated.
bThresholdSwitchWindSpeed3FallingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the third threshold value switch for monitoring the wind speed is deactivated.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessEastValue: state of the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the east side.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessEastRisingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the east side is activated.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessEastFallingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the east side is deactivated.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessSouthValue: State of the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the south side.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessSouthRisingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for one PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the south side is activated.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessSouthFallingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the south side is deactivated.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessWestValue: state of the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the west side.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessWestRisingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the west side is activated.
bThresholdSwitchBrightnessWestFallingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring the brightness on the west side is deactivated.
bThresholdSwitchDaylightValue: state of the threshold value switch for monitoring the daylight level.
bThresholdSwitchDaylightRisingEdge: the output is set to true for a PLC cycle if the threshold switch for monitoring the daylight level switches on.
bThresholdSwitchDaylightFallingEdge: the output is set to true for a PLC cycle if the threshold switch for monitoring the daylight level switches off.
bThresholdSwitchRainValue: state of the threshold value switch for monitoring precipitation.
bThresholdSwitchRainRisingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring precipitation is activated.
bThresholdSwitchRainFallingEdge: the output is set to TRUE for a PLC cycle, if the threshold value switch for monitoring precipitation is deactivated.