
FB_BAFHVACHeatingCooling 1:

Function block for controlling the functional unit for the heating and cooling temperature control directly from the PLC program.


uiId                              : UINT;
bStartExecution                   : BOOL;
bStopExecution                    : BOOL;
bSetSetpointValueShiftUserDirect  : BOOL;
lrSetSetpointValueShiftUserDirect : LREAL;
bSetpointValueShiftUserUp         : BOOL;
bSetpointValueShiftUserDown       : BOOL;
bSetEnergyLevel                   : BOOL;
eSetEnergyLevel                   : E_BAF_HVACEnergyLevel;

uiId: object ID of the instance (see also).

bStartExecution: starts the instance.

bStopExecution: stops the instance.

bSetSetpointValueShiftUserDirect: on a rising edge the local setpoint value shift (user setpoint value shift) is set to the value entered under lrSetSetpointValueShiftUserDirect.

lrSetSetpointValueShiftUserDirect: see bSetSetpointValueShiftUserDirect: The value can be limited to a minimum and maximum value by parameters.

bSetpointValueShiftUserUp: the local setpoint value shift (user setpoint value shift) is increased by a rising edge. Parameters can be used to define how much the value should change.

bSetpointValueShiftUserDown: the local setpoint value shift (user setpoint value shift) is decreased by a rising edge. Parameters can be used to define how much the value should change.

bSetEnergyLevel: specification of the energy level. Window contacts or motion sensors, which are linked by digital signals to the heating controller, can overwrite this specification.

eSetEnergyLevel: see bSetEnergyLevel.


uiErrorId                              : UINT;
iErrorParameter                        : INT;
eExecutionState                        : E_BAF_ExecutionState;
lrActualValue                          : LREAL;
lrSetpointValueShiftUser               : LREAL;
lrSetpointValueShiftSummerCompensation : LREAL;
lrOutdoorTemperature                   : LREAL;
lrSetpointComfortHeating               : LREAL;
lrSetpointPreComfortHeating            : LREAL;
lrSetpointEconomyHeating               : LREAL;
lrSetpointProtectionHeating            : LREAL;
lrSetpointComfortCooling               : LREAL;
lrSetpointPreComfortCooling            : LREAL;
lrSetpointEconomyCooling               : LREAL;
lrSetpointProtectionCooling            : LREAL;
lrDeviation                            : LREAL;
lrSetpointValue                        : LREAL;
lrYOutHeating                          : LREAL;
bYOutHeating                           : BOOL;
lrYOutCooling                          : LREAL;
bYOutCooling                           : BOOL;
eEnergyLevelActual                     : E_BAF_HVACEnergyLevel;
eEnergyLevelSet                        : E_BAF_HVACEnergyLevel;
eControlFunctionActual                 : E_BAF_HVACControlFunction;
bWindowContact                         : BOOL;
bMotionDetection                       : BOOL;
bDewPoint                              : BOOL;

uiErrorId: contains the error code (see error codes).

iErrorParameter: contains the specific parameters of the error code (see error codes).

eExecutionState: contains the current execution status of the instance.

lrActualValue: actual value.

lrSetpointValueShiftUser: local setpoint value shift (user setpoint value shift).

lrSetpointValueShiftSummerCompensation: setpoint value shift due to summer compensation.

lrOutdoorTemperature: outdoor temperature if a weather station has been connected to the air conditioning controller.

lrSetpointComfortHeating: base setpoint value for heating with the Comfort energy level.

lrSetpointPreComfortHeating: base setpoint value for heating with the Pre-comfort energy level.

lrSetpointEconomyHeating: base setpoint value for heating with the Economy energy level.

lrSetpointProtectionHeating: base setpoint value for heating with the Protection energy level.

lrSetpointComfortCooling: base setpoint value for cooling with the Comfort energy level.

lrSetpointPreComfortCooling: base setpoint value for cooling with the Pre-comfort energy level.

lrSetpointEconomyCooling: base setpoint value for cooling with the Economy energy level.

lrSetpointProtectionCooling: base setpoint value for cooling with the Protection energy level.

lrDeviation: control deviation (setpoint value - actual value).

lrSetpointValue: calculated setpoint value. The resulting setpoint value is composed of one of the 8 base setpoint values, the local setpoint value shift (user setpoint value shift), the central setpoint value shift and the setpoint value shift due to the summer compensation.

lrYOutHeating: analog control value for heating from 0% to 100%

bYOutHeating: digital control value for heating. PWM signal of the analog control value.

lrYOutCooling: analog control value for cooling from 0% to 100%

bYOutCooling: digital control value for cooling. PWM signal of the analog control value.

eEnergyLevelActual: calculated energy level.

eEnergyLevelSet: specification of the energy level.

eControlFunctionActual: calculated control function.

bWindowContact: state of the window contact if window contacts have been connected to the air conditioning controller.

bMotionDetection: state of the motion sensor if motion sensors have been connected to the air conditioning controller.

bDewPointValue: state of the dew point sensor if dew point sensors have been connected to the air conditioning controller.