
FB_BAFLampGroupStandard 1:

Function-block for controlling a Standard Lamp Group directly out of the PLC-program.


uiId                        : UINT;
bStartExecution             : BOOL;
bStopExecution              : BOOL;
bOn                         : BOOL;
bOff                        : BOOL;
bCallMinControlValue        : BOOL;
bCallMaxControlValue        : BOOL;
bSetControlValueDirect      : BOOL;
lrSetControlValueDirect     : LREAL;
bFadeUp                     : BOOL;
bFadeDown                   : BOOL;
bStepUp                     : BOOL;
bStepDown                   : BOOL;
bStartFunctionTest          : BOOL;
bStartDurationTest          : BOOL;
bChangeMaximumControlValue  : BOOL;
lrChangeMaximumControlValue : LREAL;
bChangeMinimumControlValue  : BOOL;
lrChangeMinimumControlValue : LREAL;

uiId: Object id of the instance (see object id).

bStartExecution: Starts the instance of the lamp group.

bStopExecution: Stops the instance of the lamp group.

bOn : The bOn-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

bOff : The bOff-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

bCallMinControlValue: The bCallMinControlValue-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

bCallMaxControlValue: The bCallMaxControlValue-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

bSetControlValueDirect: The bSetControlValueDirect-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

lrSetControlValueDirect: If bSetControlValueDirect is set, the value of this variable (0% - 100%) will be put through to all lamps of the group.

bFadeUp: The bFadeUp-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

bFadeDown: The bFadeDown-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

bStepUp: The bStepUp-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

bStepDown: The bStepDown-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

bStartFunctionTest: A function-test will be started at all DALI-Emergency-devices. All other lamps in this group will simply ignore this command.

bStartDurationTest: A duration-test will be started at all DALI-Emergency-devices. All other lamps in this group will simply ignore this command.

bChangeMaximumControlValue: The bChangeMaximumControlValue-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

lrChangeMaximumControlValue: If bChangeMaximumControlValue is set, the value of this variable (0% - 100%) will be taken as the lamps´ maximum value.

bChangeMinimumControlValue: The bChangeMinimumControlValue-command of all lamps in this group will be executed.

lrChangeMinimumControlValue: If bChangeMinimumControlValue is set, the value of this variable (0% - 100%) will be taken as the lamps´ minimum value.


uiErrorId                           : UINT;
iErrorParameter                     : INT;
eExecutionState                     : E_BAF_ExecutionState;
udiAmountOfLamps                    : UDINT;
udiAmountOfFaultyLamps              : UDINT;
udiAmountOfActiveLamps              : UDINT;
lrAverageControlValue               : LREAL;
lrAverageResettingValue             : LREAL;
udiAmountOfLampsWithMinControlValue : UDINT;
udiAmountOfLampsWithMaxControlValue : UDINT;

uiErrorId: Contains the error code of the last executed command (see Error codes).

iErrorParameter: Contains the specific parameter of the error code (see Error codes).

eExecutionState: Contains the actual execution-state of the instance of the lamp group.

udiAmountOfLamps: The amount of all lamps in this group.

udiAmountOfFaultyLamps: The amount of all faulty lamps in this group (uiErrorId > 0).

udiAmountOfActiveLamps: The amount of all active lamps in this group. The control-value has to be greater than 0 and the nErrorId has to be 0.

lrAverageControlValue: The average control-value of all lamps in this group, which are not in an error-state.

lrAverageResettingValue: The average resetting-value of all lamps in this group, which are not in an error-state.

udiAmountOfLampsWithMinControlValue: The amount of all lamps in this group which are not in an error-state and have the bReachedMinControlValue-output set.

udiAmountOfLampsWithMaxControlValue: The amount of all lamps in this group which are not in an error-state and have the bReachedMaxControlValue-output set.