
FB_BAFWindowDriveStandard 1:

Function-block for controlling a Standard Window Drive directly out of the PLC-program.


uiId                 : UINT;
bStartExecution      : BOOL;
bStopExecution       : BOOL;
bSafetyPositionSet   : BOOL;
bSafetyPositionReset : BOOL;
bClose               : BOOL;
bOpen                : BOOL;
bStop                : BOOL;
bSetPositionDirect   : BOOL;
lrSetPositionDirect  : LREAL;

uiId: Object id of the instance (see object id).

bStartExecution: Starts the instance of the window drive.

bStopExecution: Stops the instance of the window drive.

bSafetyPositionSet: Driving to safety-position is activated. For this purpose the window drive will be moved up for tDriveTime + 10%. No other commands except bSafetyPositionReset are accepted then.

bSafetyPositionReset: Releases the safety-position.

bClose: The window will be closed.

bOpen: The window will be opened.

bStop: Stops the window-drive.

bSetPositionDirect: The window drive will be moved to the position entered under lrSetPositionDirect.

lrSetPositionDirect: See bSetPositionDirect. 0% means completely closed, 100% completely opened.


uiErrorId               : UINT;
iErrorParameter         : INT;
eExecutionState         : E_BAF_ExecutionState;
bSafetyPosition         : BOOL;
bDriveClose             : BOOL;
bDriveOpen              : BOOL;
lrActualPosition        : LREAL;

uiErrorId: Contains the error code of the last executed command (see Error codes).

iErrorParameter: Contains the specific parameter of the error code (see Error codes).

eExecutionState: Contains the actual execution state of the instance of the window drive.

bSafetyPosition: The safety-position-driving has been activated.

bDriveClose: The window is closing.

bDriveOpen: The window is opening.

lrActualPosition: The position (0% - 100%) of this window drive.