Function-block for controlling a Up/Down counter via KL1512 Digital Signal directly out of the PLC-program.
uiId : UINT;
bStartExecution : BOOL;
bStopExecution : BOOL;
bSetCounterDirect : BOOL;
udiSetCounterDirect : UDINT;
uiId: Object id of the instance (see object id).
bStartExecution: Starts the instance of the digital signal.
bStopExecution: Stops the instance of the digital signal.
bSetCounterDirect: Sets the counter to the value of the input udiSetCounterDirect.
udiSetCounterDirect: See bSetCounterDirect.
uiErrorId : UINT;
iErrorParameter : INT;
eExecutionState : E_BAF_ExecutionState;
udiCounter : UDINT;
uiErrorId: Contains the error code of the last executed command (see Error codes).
iErrorParameter: Contains the specific parameter of the error code (see Error codes).
eExecutionState: Contains the actual execution state of the instance of the digital signal.
udiCounter: The counter value of the signal.