Monthly Time Scheduler Channel (nth day of the month)

With the Monthly Time Scheduler Channel (nth day of the month) it is possible to define a switching-event on a single day of the month in multiple months of the year.


Monthly Time Scheduler Channel (nth day of the month) 1:

Series Model


Monthly Time Scheduler Channel (nth day of the month) 2:

In contrary to the daily and weekly scheduler-functions, the switching days are explicitly named. There is no periodicity to be calculated, which depends on the PLC-init-time.

If the daytime of the start is lower than the end, the scheduler channel will only be active from the start-time until the end-time of the switching-day. If the daytime of the end is lower than the start, the scheduler-channel will just work inversely. Entering the same time for both start and end would result in an undefined-state and will thus be regarded as an input-error.

It is also possible to use the sunrise/sunset function which will calculate both times for the switching-day together with an offset, which can be either positive or negative. These resulting start and end-time however are automatically delimited to the beginning (00:00:00:000) or the end of the day (23:59:59:999).


Monthly Time Scheduler Channel (nth day of the month) 3:

On this screen the scenes can be entered, which shall be executed, when the scheduler-channel turns to either its active or inactive state.


Monthly Time Scheduler Channel (nth day of the month) 4:


State PLC Module