Weekly Time Scheduler Channel (continual days of the week)

The Weekly Time Scheduler Channel (continual days of the week) can be used for switching from one weekday until another.


Weekly Time Scheduler Channel (continual days of the week) 1:

Series Model


Weekly Time Scheduler Channel (continual days of the week) 2:

The periodicity is calculated from the beginning of the initial calendar-week (beginning with Monday, according to ISO 8601).

If the beginning-time is lower than the end-time (regarding the week), the time-channel will be activated and deactivated within one week. If the beginning-time is greater than the end-time the deactivation of the channel happens the week after activation. An equal beginning and end will result in a one-week activation of the channel.

It is also possible to use the sunrise/sunset function which will calculate both times for the switching-day together with an offset, which can be either positive or negative. These resulting start and end-time however are automatically delimited to the beginning (00:00:00:000) or the end of the day (23:59:59:999).


Weekly Time Scheduler Channel (continual days of the week) 3:

On this screen the scenes can be entered, which shall be executed, when the scheduler-channel turns to either its active or inactive state.


Weekly Time Scheduler Channel (continual days of the week) 4:


State PLC Module