Constant Light Regulation

The Constant Light Regulation is a closed-loop controller regulating the light value of three lamps/lamp groups: a main lamp (group) and two sub lamps/lamp groups. The actual value for calculating the setpoint-deviation is given by an analog sensor (group). An additional motion detector activates/deactivates the control-system automatically. As fast changing light levels are not desired for a light control, the system is dampened by a control delay (dead-time), which becomes shorter, the higher the deviation is. Moreover, a control hysteresis is implemented to prevent the system from swinging around the setpoint value. The value of the hysteresis can be entered in the settings-menu, as well as the Maximum Control Delay. The following two diagrams show the behavior of the regulation. Please note, that the actual light level is influenced by the (outside-) daylight, as well as by the own inside-light. Without being influenced by the own light, the whole regulation would be a simple open-loop controller. However, this is the reason, why the diagrams show the actual level following the control value. The step size is constant and set to 0,39% which is equal to 1 DALI-Step.

Constant Light Regulation 1:

Fig. 1: Hysteresis is big enough to prevent the control-system from oscillating.

Constant Light Regulation 2:

Fig. 2: Hysteresis is too small. The system begins to swing around the setpoint value.

Initial Value

Since the functional unit is a closed control loop, the resulting manipulated variable is continuously recalculated and cannot be determined in only one PLC cycle. It is therefore necessary to start with a value close to the resulting output variable.
The decisive factor for this calculation is the ratio of system deviation to setpoint when the control is activated. If this value is greater than or equal to the parameter Factor limit activation control, then the manipulated variable is set to 100%. If the value is less than or equal to the parameter Factor limit activation control, then the value for the manipulated variable is calculated from the resulting linear equation:

Constant Light Regulation 3:


Constant Light Regulation 4:


Sensors / Actuators

Constant Light Regulation 5:

In this menu you enter the lamp / lamp group and the digital signals for switching the correspondent lamp / lamp group.
In general there are two different procedures to control the lamp / lamp group: with two pushbuttons for dimming up and down or with one pushbutton which alternately dims up and down. A combination of both procedures is possible.

Additionally, a Motion Detection can be used to enable the light control: a rising edge at digital signal (group) - Motion Detection enables the Controller, a falling edge disables and switches off the controller.

Dimming up and down during an active control has a special effect: The light value increases or decreases and after 5 seconds without activating a dimming function, the current light value is set as the resulting setpoint (basis setpoint + setpoint shift) so that the control deviation is then 0. Before this new setpoint value is accepted, a small correction to the light value can be noticed. By dimming with a dimming command, it is possible that all lamps/lamp groups are changed by the same value and that a correction for the gain factors must be carried out by the main lamp/lamp group ↔ underlamp/lamp group.


Constant Light Regulation 6:


All Input functions are only possible, when the regulator is disabled, except the control Enable/Disable-functions. In addition, it is possible to disable the active control and turn off the lamps with the Off-button. This functionality can be used for e.g., presentations, when a conference room must be dark. The next rising-edge of the motion detector, however, will reactivate the controller, so the delay off-time of the digital signal (group)(motion detection), has to be big enough to ensure secure presence detection over a long time.


State PLC Module