Standard Analog Signal Group

The standard Analog Signal Group combines multiple analog signals to one group. Like in a single analog module, two threshold-switches can be defined in the group as well. The groups analog value is the averaged value of all assigned modules in this group.


Standard Analog Signal Group 1:

Two threshold-switches can be defined for the average value. The rising and falling edges of these switches can be used to execute scenes (see Scenes-menu below). Additionally, a hysteresis and a delay can be defined to dampen the behavior of the average value of the group. The entered unit is used for display-purposes in the Building Automation Framework only.


Standard Analog Signal Group 2:

All the devices, which shall be combined to one analog signal group, must be chosen in this menu.
Pressing the Edit-button will open a form, in which all defined analog signals can be chosen. By marking an analog signal and pressing Delete the selected analog signal will be removed from the group. The analog signal will only be taken from the group, not from the whole application.


Standard Analog Signal Group 3:

Pressing the New-button within the Scenes-menu opens a dialog, where the rising and the falling edge events of the threshold-switches can be assigned to the execution of a scene. The scene however must be defined previously.


Standard Analog Signal Group 4:


State PLC Module