EnOcean Digital Signal
EnOcean Digital Signal analyses the telegram of a digital EnOcean transmitter.
- On Delay: Time delay on.
- Off Delay: Time delay off.
- Long / Double Click: Time to recognize both long- and double-click, which are used to activate scenes, see below. If the button is pressed longer than this time, it is interpreted as a long-click. Pressing the button twice within this time span will be recognised as a double-click.
- Negate Digital Input: Negates the digital input.
Subsystem Assignment
- Transmitter Id: Id of the EnOcean-transmitter.
- Id of the KL6583 (only for 6581): Id of the terminal.
- Watchdog: EnOcean-modules sending frequent telegrams, like presence-sensors, can be observed with this function. For switch-modules, however, a watchdog does not make sense and must be deactivated by entering 0s.
- Module Type: The correct transmitter type, as described in the manual / manufacturer-reference, must be selected here.
- Data Byte / Data Bit: The proper Data byte / Data Bit of the desired value have to be entered.
Pressing the Linked to...-button opens a dialog, where the designated EnOcean-line can be assigned to this module.
- Multiplier: Multiplier for the counter.
- Offset: Offset to add to the counter.
- Unit: The unit of the scaled value. For display-purposes in the Building Automation Framework only.
- Direction: Counting direction.
Pressing the New-button within the Scenes-menu opens a dialog, where the analysed events
- Rising edge
- Falling edge
- Edge changed
- Click
- Double click
- Long click
(See logical diagram above) can be assigned to the execution of a scene. The scene however must be defined previously.
- Value: Resulting value, see logical diagram above.
- Raw Value: Raw value received from the digital input terminal including activated / deactivated negation (see logical diagram above).
- Counter: Current value of the counter.
- Set Counter Direct: Value to set direct to the counter.
State PLC Module
- Execution State: Shows, if the module is running or stopped.
- Error: In case of an error, the error code and the error parameter are displayed in this box.
- Start/Stop: Starts/stops the module.