
System requirements


  1. Execute the *.exe file of the TwinCAT Supplement.
  2. Click Next, read the license agreement carefully, accept it and click Next.
  3. Insert user name, company name and serial number.
    Setup 1:
    If you do not have a serial number you can type DEMO to install the evaluation version.
    Accept it by clicking Next.
  4. Click Install to start the installation process.
  5. In the end click Finish to complete the installation.

After the installation the TwinCAT System folder in the Windows Start-up menu contains a new subfolder named TwinCAT Building Automation Framework V2.20.
This folder includes the TwinCAT Building Automation Manager.


  1. Go to the Control Panel and select Programs and Features.
  2. Select TwinCAT Building Automation Framework V2.20 and click Uninstall.
  3. Click Yes to start the uninstallation process.
  4. After the uninstallation process click Finish to complete the removal of the Building Automation Framework V2.20.