
Raw data structure of the property with BACnet data type CharacterString. The function blocks FB_BACnet_StringExtDecode and FB_BACnet_StringExtEncode decode and code data of this structure to/from strings that can be displayed and processed in the PLC, based on Windows-1252 or CP1252 encoding (Western European Windows character set).

TYPE ST_BACnet_CharacterStringExt :
  cookie      : BYTE;
  encoding    : BYTE;
  strLen      : UINT;

cookie: 0 and strLen > 0 → no ANSI/UTF-8 string encoding; otherwise: From address of cookie ANSI/UTF-8 string is expected.

encoding: If no ANSI/UTF-8 string, then is the string encoding is included here (see E_BACNETSTRINGENCODINGTYPES)

strLen: If no ANSI/UTF-8 string, then is the byte data length is included in stringData

stringData: If no ANSI/UTF-8 string: String data