
TYPE ST_BACnet_RecipientListDeviceEntry :
  bMonday              : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bTuesday             : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bWednesday           : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bThursday            : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bFriday              : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bSaturday            : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bSunday              : BOOL:=TRUE;
  stFromTime           : ST_BACnet_Time := (nHour       := 0,
                            nMinute     := 0,
                            nSecond     := 0,
                            nHundredths := 0);
  stToTime             : ST_BACnet_Time := (nHour       := 23,
                            nMinute     := 59,
                            nSecond     := 59,
                            nHundredths := 99);
  tDeviceId            : T_BACnet_ObjectIdentifier:=16#FFFFFFFF;
  nProcessId           : UDINT;
  bToOffNormal         : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bToFault             : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bToNormal            : BOOL:=TRUE;
  bIssueConfirmedNotification  : BOOL;


bMonday, bTuesday, bWednesday, bThursday, bFriday, bSaturday and bSunday: Flags for the days of the week: TRUE for the respective day of the week enables the recipient for the corresponding day; FALSE = no transfer to the recipient.

stFromTime and stToTime: range from/to which the transfer of messages to the recipient is enabled (e.g. activate alarm for motion sensors or window contacts only during the night).

tDeviceId: BACnet ID of the recipient BACnet server.

nProcessId: BACnet process ID of the recipient.

bToOffNormal: Transition to OFF-NORMAL are transferred.

bToFault: Transition to FAULT are transferred.

bToNormal: Transitions to NORMAL are transferred.

bIssueConfirmedNotification: The message should be marked as to be acknowledged.