Structure for data exchange of the property exception_schedule with the aid of function block FB_BACnet_ExceptionScheduleProperty.
TYPE ST_BACnet_ExceptionScheduleBool :
bReqGet : BOOL;
bReqSet : BOOL;
nGet : USINT;
nSet : USINT;
bBusy : BOOL;
arrEntries : ARRAY[0..BACnet_MaxExSchEntries] OF ST_BACnet_ExceptionScheduleEntryBool;
: Request read property data FALSE → TRUE for the corresponding property function block (see FB_BACnet_ExceptionScheduleProperty). The edge change TRUE → FALSE indicates acknowledgement of the request by corresponding property function block. Current data will be available shortly. Successful loading of the property data is indicated by nGet
: Request write property data FALSE → TRUE for the corresponding property function block (see FB_BACnet_ExceptionScheduleProperty). The edge change TRUE → FALSE indicates acknowledgement of the request by corresponding property function block. Current data will be available shortly. Successful writing of the property data is indicated by nSet
: Counter is incremented by 1 when property data were read successfully. Ring counter.
: Counter is incremented by 1 when property data were written successfully. Ring counter.
: Corresponding property function block loads/writes data from/to the property. The data are invalid while bBusy is set to TRUE.
: Array with data of property Exception_Schedule. 0 to BACnet_MaxExSchEntries entries are available. The entries are coded as BACnetTimeValue and are limited to data types Boolean and Null. Entries with other data types are ignored. In addition, all types of calendar entries are supported.