
Structure with information on current execution times of the BACnet driver.

TYPE ST_BACnet_DiagnosisTiming :
  msIoInCurExecutionTime   : DWORD;
  msIoInMinExecutionTime   : DWORD;
  msIoInMaxExecutionTime   : DWORD;
  msIoOutCurExecutionTime  : DWORD;
  msIoOutMinExecutionTime  : DWORD;
  msIoOutMaxExecutionTime  : DWORD;
  msCycleCurExecutionTime  : DWORD;
  msCycleMinExecutionTime  : DWORD;
  msCycleMaxExecutionTime  : DWORD;
  msInputCurDistanceTime   : DWORD;
  msInputMinDistanceTime   : DWORD;
  msInputMaxDistanceTime   : DWORD;

msIoInCurExecutionTime: Current processing time of the input data in the BACnet task (ms).

msIoInMinExecutionTime: Minimum processing time of the input data in the BACnet task (ms).

msIoInMaxExecutionTime: Maximum processing time of the input data in the BACnet task (ms).

msIoOutCurExecutionTime: Current processing time of the output data in the BACnet task (ms).

msIoOutMinExecutionTime: Minimum processing time of the output data in the BACnet task (ms).

msIoOutMaxExecutionTime: Maximum processing time of the output data in the BACnet task (ms).

msCycleCurExecutionTime: Current processing time of the BACnet task (ms).

msCycleMinExecutionTime: Minimum processing time of the BACnet task (ms).

msCycleMaxExecutionTime: Maximum processing time of the BACnet task (ms).

msInputCurDistanceTime: Current time duration between the start of the input data processing (ms).

msInputMinDistanceTime: Minimum time duration between the start of the input data processing (ms).

msInputMaxDistanceTime: Maximum time duration between the start of the input data processing (ms).