
PLC mapping of BACnet data type Date. See BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for data type BACnetDateTime.

TYPE ST_BACnet_Date :
  nYear       : BYTE:=16#FF;
  nMonth      : BYTE:=16#FF;
  nDay        : BYTE:=16#FF;
  nDayOfWeek  : BYTE:=16#FF;

nYear: Year minus 1900; 255 stands for undefined (or each year)

nMonth: Possible values for month(s): 1 to 14; 1 → January etc.; 13 → all odd months; 14 → all even months; 255 stands for undefined (or each month)

nDay: Possible values for day(s) of the month: 1 to 32; 1 → first day etc.; 32 → last day of the month; 255 stands for undefined (or each day)

nDayOfWeek: Possible values for day(s) of the week: 1 to 7; 1 → Monday etc.; 7 → Sunday; 255 stands for undefined (or each day)