F_BACnet_RealToStr : STRING

F_BACnet_RealToStr : STRING 1:


Function for converting a floating-point number to a string, considering the value range. The REAL value is handed over by means of a pointer.


pValue      : POINTER TO REAL;

pValue: Pointer to the floating-point number to be converted (ADR()).


Return value: For a finite value range the string from the floating-point number is output in the same format as after conversion with "REAL_TO_STRING()". If the value is not in the finite range, "#QNAN" (positive not-a-number) or "-#QNAN" (negative not-a-number) is output, depending on the sign.



F_BACnet_RealToStr : STRING 2:
Figure 1: Example for pointer determination with "ADR()". "fValue" represents a variable of type REAL.