F_BACnet_MultiStatePV : UDINT
Function for implementing a UDINT value of the PLC in the process data value of a BACnet MultiState* object property Present_Value. Using this function it is possible to write BACnet MultiState* objects, for example, which are only linked to a BACnet object via a primitive PLC variable (e.g.
nMV0 AT%Q* : UDINT; (* ~(BACnet_ObjectType : MV : NOLINK)(BACnet_ObjectIdentifier : 0 : NOLINK)(BACnet_PresentValue_Priority12 : : LINK) *)
bEnable : BOOL;
bNull : BOOL;
nState : UDINT;
bEnable: TRUE = The process data is enabled; the value resulting from bNull or nState is written to the corresponding BACnet object, FALSE = process data is disabled
bNull: TRUE = zero writing of the BACnet object (e.g. for deleting a priority), FALSE = write value from nState
nState: Value that is written to the BACnet object, if bEnable = TRUE and bNull = FALSE. Multi-State in the range [1 .. Number_Of_States].
Return value: Function result of type UDINT.