FB_BACnet_PT1 1:


Function block for emulating a 1st order deceleration. Higher-order decelerations can be achieved by linking several PT1 blocks. The output value Y [1] represents the function result of the deceleration of input value X [1]. Input value T specifies the damping time [s] (also known as τ). If T is set to 0, there is no deceleration → Y = X.

The input value of Tcycle indicates the current PLC task cycle time in seconds. If Tcycle is set to 0, the current cycle time is determined internally.


X       : REAL;
T       : REAL;
Tcycle  : REAL;

X: Input value [1].

T: Damping time [s]; 0 = no deceleration.

Tcycle: PLC cycle time in seconds; 0 = determine internally.


Y       : REAL;

Y: Decelerated output value [1].