
FB_BACnet_AccLimit 1:


Function block for limiting signal change per time (maximum acceleration). The output variable Y [1] follows the input variable X [1] with a maximum acceleration (positive and negative) in accordance with the value at input Amax [1/s]. The input value of Tcycle indicates the current PLC task cycle time in seconds. If Tcycle is set to 0, the current cycle time is determined internally.

The current acceleration is output at output A [1/s]. If Amax is set to 0, there is no limitation → Y = X.


X       : REAL;
Amax    : REAL;
Tcycle  : REAL;

X: Input value [1].

Amax: Maximum acceleration [1/s]; 0 = no limitation.

Tcycle: PLC cycle time in seconds; 0 = determine internally.


Y       : REAL;
A       : REAL;

Y: Limited output value [1].

A: Currently determined acceleration [1/s] of the input value X relative to the output value Y.