
FB_BACnet_PulseConverter_EX 1:


The function block FB_BACnet_PulseConverter_EX can be used for read access to a BACnet object of type PulseConverter.


bReady                   : BOOL;
fPresentValue            : REAL;
bHighLimitEn             : BOOL;
fHighLimit               : REAL;
bLowLimitEn              : BOOL;
fLowLimit                : REAL;
fAdjustValue             : REAL;
nCount                   : UDINT;
nCountBeforeChg          : UDINT;
bOverridden              : BOOL;
bOutOfService            : BOOL;
bFault                   : BOOL;
bInAlarm                 : BOOL;
bOverRange               : BOOL;
bUnderRange              : BOOL;
bNoSensor                : BOOL;
bOpenLoop                : BOOL;
bShortedLoop             : BOOL;
bCommFailure             : BOOL;
bConfigError             : BOOL;
bOtherFault              : BOOL;
eEventState              : E_BACNETEVENTSTATE;
bAckedTrans_ToOffNormal  : BOOL;
bAckedTrans_ToFault      : BOOL;
bAckedTrans_ToNormal     : BOOL;
tObjectID                : T_BACnet_ObjectIdentifier:=16#FFFFFFFF;
bError                   : BOOL;
nErrorId                 : UINT;

bReady: Notification of general readiness. If this output is set, the other status outputs are valid (PresentValue, Overridden ...). If the output is FALSE, the corresponding function block FB_BACnet_Device does not report "Operational", or the block instance was not linked correctly in the TwinCAT System Manager.

fPresentValue: Current value of the BACnet object (see BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and property Present_Value).

bHighLimitEn, fHighLimit, bLowLimitEn, fLowLimit: Status and value of the Present_Value reporting limits (lower and upper limit values from which messages are generated). FALSE → limit value not active; TRUE → limit value active; see also BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and properties High_Limit, Low_Limit and Limit_Enable.

fAdjustValue: Value of property Adjust_Value. Adjust_Value can be used to correct the value of property Present_Value. The value of Adjust_Value is subtracted from Present_Value. The value of the property Count is also corrected, considering the property Scale_Factor. See BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and property Adjust_Value.

nCount: Value of the property Count. Count represents the sampled input pulses or input value changes. In addition, the value of Count may contain corrections from the property Adjust_Value. See BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and property Count.

nCountBeforeChg: Value of property Count_Before_Change. Contains the value of the property Count before the correction through property Adjust_Value. See BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and property Count_Before_Change.

bOverridden, bOutOfService, bFault, bInAlarm: See BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and property Status_Flags.

bOverRange, bUnderRange, bNoSensor, bOpenLoop, bShortedLoop, bCommFailure, bConfigError, bOtherFault: See BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and property Status_Flags.

eEventState: E_BACNETEVENTSTATE, see BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and property Event_State.

bAckedTrans_ToOffNormal, bAckedTrans_ToFault, bAckedTrans_ToNormal: Flags of property Acked_Transitions (see BACnet specification DIN EN ISO 16484-5 for BACnet object PulseConverter and property Acked_Transitions).

tObjectID: Object ID of the BACnet object (object type and object instance).

bError: An error is pending.

nErrorId: see global constants BACnet_Globals.


Device               : FB_BACnet_Device;

Device: Specification of the instance of the local corresponding BACnet server block. For each BACnet adapter one BACnet server is possible. See FB_BACnet_Adapter and FB_BACnet_Device for further information.