Example: BACnet day/night control
The example below illustrates how to configure simple day/night control with the aid of a BACnet schedule and output object. This can be used for lighting control, for example, which is active during the night. The time for activating the binary output is set to 22:00. The output is reset at 4:00.
The example schedule_example.zip can be downloaded here .
- Create a BACnet adapter and server (see "Example: Create BACnet adapters and servers")
- Adding an I/O bus via I/O automapping (see: "Example: I/O automapping")
- Creating a schedule object under the server
- a) Right-click on the server and select "Append Object..." to create a new BACnet object
- b) Select module "BACnet Schedule Object" and add with "OK"
- The object of type BACnetBinaryOuput, which represents the binary output for the lighting control, is entered as object reference for writing the schedule value (ACTIVE / INACTIVE):
- a) Double-click on the property ListOfObjectReferences:
- b) Then select the PresentValue of the required BinaryOutput object:
- The selection of the object reference is important for the subsequent steps. It determines the data type of the TimeValue entries in the property ExceptionSchedule for the following wizard. If the PresentValue of a binary* object is selected, the data type BACnetBinaryPV is otherwise added to Bool.
- Double-click on the property ExceptionSchedule:
- The wizards facilitates configuration of the switch-on and switch-off times:
- The configuration now has to be loaded into the target system by clicking on "Active configuration" on the toolbar: