Example: Create BACnet adapters and servers

As already described in section BACnet device, server, client, the BACnet adapter is added into a project as an Ethernet device. Step-by-step instructions for creating a server under the BACnet adapter are provided below.

  1. Creating a BACnet server under the used BACnet adapter
  2. a) Right-click on the adapter and select "Append Object..."
  3. Example: Create BACnet adapters and servers 1:
  4. b) In the subsequent dialog select the module "BACnet server" and confirm with "OK"
  5. Example: Create BACnet adapters and servers 2:

  7. The option Persist Server Online Data should be activated if the server has to store the configuration data of all subordinate objects persistently. The screenshot below shows the Settings tab under which the option can be activated (see also section "Persistent data"):
  8. Example: Create BACnet adapters and servers 3: