Sample 02: readout of a template description
General information about a template is made available by the TemplateDescription class. The TemplateDescriptionProvider class and its static method GetTemplateDecription return the template description for the desired template.
Sample C#
public partial class MainWindow : Window
BAProjectBuilder projectBuilder = null;
public MainWindow(AddInEntryPoint addInEntryPoint)
// Code here
this.projectBuilder = new BAProjectBuilder();
private void buttonGetInfos_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TemplateDescription td = this.projectBuilder.TemplateDescriptionProvider.GetTemplateDescription("BAC_Hys_01");
List<string> items = new List<string>();
items.Add("Name:\t\t\t" + td.Name);
items.Add("Summary:\t\t" + td.Summary);
items.Add("Company:\t\t" + td.Company);
items.Add("Version:\t\t\t" + td.Version.ToString());
items.Add("Change Date:\t\t" + td.ChangeDate.ToLongDateString());
items.Add("File Path:\t\t\t" + td.FilePath);
items.Add("Has BACnetObjects:\t" + td.HasBACnetObjects);
items.Add("Has Parameters:\t\t" + td.HasParameters);
items.Add("Has Inputs:\t\t" + td.HasInputs);
items.Add("Has Outputs:\t\t" + td.HasOutputs);
listBoxInfos.ItemsSource = items;