
Command telegram from the light switching functions to the light actuators

     bOff            : BOOL;
     bClMinCtrlVal   : BOOL;
     bClMaxCtrlVal   : BOOL;
     bClOnVal        : BOOL;
     lrOnVal         : LREAL;
     bClRstVal       : BOOL;
     bSetCtrlValDct  : BOOL;
     lrSetCtrlValDct : LREAL;
     bChgMaxCtrlVal  : BOOL;
     lrChgMaxCtrlVal : LREAL;
     bChgMinCtrlVal  : BOOL;
     lrChgMinCtrlVal : LREAL;
     bDimUp          : BOOL;
     bDimDwn         : BOOL;
     bStepUp         : BOOL;
     bStepDwn        : BOOL;

bOff: switches the light actuator off immediately.

bClMinCtrlVal: switches the light actuator to the minimum value.

bClMaxCtrlVal: switches the light actuator to the maximum value.

bCalOnVal / lrOnVal: switches the light actuator to the selected on value.

bClRstCtrlVal: switches the light actuator to the value, which the switch actuator had before the last switch-off.

bSetCtrlValDct / lrSetCtrlValDct : switches the light actuator to the value lrSetCtrlValDct.

bChgMaxCtrlVal / lrChgMaxCtrlVal: assigns a new maximum value lrChgMaxCtrlVal to the light actuator.

bChgMinCtrlVal / lrChgMinCtrlVal: assigns a new maximum value lrChgMinCtrlVal to the light actuator.

bDimUp: static signal for up dimming; for DALI light actuators, the command "UP" is issued every 200 ms.

bDimUp: static signal for down dimming; for DALI light actuators, the command "DOWN" is issued every 200 ms.

bStepUp: switches the light value up by one step. For DALI light actuators this involves ONE step up, which corresponds to the DALI command "STEP UP". For analog light actuators it corresponds to an increase by (100/254) %.

bStepDwn: switches the light value down by one step. For DALI light actuators this involves ONE step down, which corresponds to the DALI command "STEP DOWN". For analog light actuators it corresponds to a decrease by (100/254) %


Development environment

Target system

required library

required supplement

TwinCAT 2.11 R3/x64


TcBA library from V1.0.0

TF8040 | TwinCAT Building Automation from V1.0.0