
Two-point switch with delay

FB_BA_Swi2P_Dly 1:

Functional description

The function block FB_BA_Swi2P_Dly is a two-point switch with one switch-on point and one switch-off point. In contrast to FB_BA_Swi2P, a change in the output signal is delayed.
A general function block enable can be implemented at input bEn. The output bQ is FALSE as long as bEn is FALSE. The direction of action of the block depends on the relative position of the switch-on/switch-off points.

If the switch-on point is greater than the switch-off point, the direction of action is direct/synchronous (cooling mode).

FB_BA_Swi2P_Dly 2:

Is the switch-off point is greater than the switch-on point, the direction of action is direct/reversed (heating mode).

FB_BA_Swi2P_Dly 3:



bEn       : BOOL;
rIn       : REAL;
rOn       : REAL;
rOff      : REAL;
udiDlyOn  : UDINT;
udiDlyOff : UDINT;

bEn: general enable of the function block

rIn: input value

rOn: switch-on point

rOff: switch-off point

udiDlyOn: start-up delay [s]

nDlyOff: switch-off delay [s]


bQ             : BOOL;
udiRemTiDlyOn  : UDINT;
udiRemTiDlyOff : UDINT;

bQ: control output

udiRemTiDlyOn: countdown start-up delay [s]

udiRemTiDlyOff: countdown switch-off delay [s]


Development environment

Target system

required library

required supplement

TwinCAT 2.11 R3/x64


TcBA library from V1.0.0

TS8040 | TwinCAT Building Automation from V1.0.0