ADS-sum command: Read or Write a list of variables with one single ADS command



This sample describes how to read multiple single variables with one single ADS API call.

Note that ADS is just a transport layer, but there could be important side effects: so read the requirements and keep the limitations in mind.  


ADS offers powerful and fast communication to exchange any kind of information. It's possible to read single variables or complete arrays and structures with a single ADS-API call.
This new ADS command offers to read with one single ADS call multiple variables which are not structured within a linear memory.

As a result the ADS caller application (like scada Systems etc.) can extremely speed up cyclic polling:


Note that ADS is just a transport layer, but there could be important side effects. So read the requirements and take care on limitations:

// This code snippet uses ADSIGRP_SUMUP_READ with IndexGroup 0xF080 and IndexOffset as number of ADS-sub-commands 
// Demonstrates how to read a list of variables, see full demo-code
// Use ADS-ReadWrite request : "Write" the requested data down to ADS device and "Read" the received answer 
 nErr = AdsSyncReadWriteReq(    pAddr, 
                0xF080,         // Sum-Command, response will contain ADS-error code for each ADS-Sub-command
                reqNum,     // number of ADS-Sub-Commands
                4*reqNum+reqSize, // number requested bytes in the sample two variables each 4 bytes. NOTE : we request additional "error"-flag(long) for each ADS-sub commands
                (void*)(mAdsSumBufferRes), // provide buffer for response 
                12*reqNum,      // send 12 bytes for each variable (each ads-Sub command consist of 3 * ULONG : IG, IO, Len)


// This code snippet uses ADSIGRP_SUMUP_WRITE with IndexGroup 0xF081 and IndexOffset as number of ADS-sub-commands 
// Demonstrates how to write a list of variables, see full demo-code
// Use ADS-ReadWrite request : "Write" the send a list of data to list of variables down to ADS device and "Read" the received return codes
 nErr = AdsSyncReadWriteReq(    pAddr, 
                0xF081,     // ADS list-write command
                reqNum,     // number of ADS-Sub commands
                4*reqNum,           // we expect an ADS-error-return-code (long) for each ADS-Sub command
                (void*)(mAdsSumBufferRes), // provide space for the response containing the return codes
                16*reqNum,      // cbyteLen : in THIS sample we send two variables each 4 byte
                        // --> send 16 bytes (IG1, IO1, Len1, IG2, IO2, Len2, Data1, Data2) 
                &parReq);   // buffer with data