Manual selection

Pre-filtering of the components (gear unit and motor)

After pre-filtering, the TC3 Motion Designer suggests suitable motor and gear types.

The following component filtering options are available:

  • Load:
    Select whether your component should have a maximum load of less than 100%.
    For motors, an additional option is available: “mechanically compatible with the selected gear unit”.
  • Manufacturer:
    Select your gear type and the size of the gear unit.

Special features of gear units:

  • Type:
    Choose between angular and planetary gear units.
  • Gear stages / gear ratio:
    Choose the gear stages and the gear ratio.

Special features of motors:

  • Requirements:
    Choose between “hygiene-compliant”, “fan permitted” and “with holding brake”.
  • Feedback system:
    Choose between 18 and 23 bit single/multi-turn or resolver
  • Wave definition:
    Choose between smooth shaft (optionally with shaft sealing ring) or feather key (optionally with shaft sealing ring)

For a 480 V DC link, the following option appears in the settings area: “Allow 400 V / 480 V Motors”.

Manual selection 1:



Selecting the components (gear unit and motor)

After pre-filtering, the available components are displayed in the selection list at the right of the user interface (see screenshot below). The selection list contains specific technical data for the available motors and gear units.

The green, yellow and red colors indicate the suitability of the components in relation to the previously selected motion profile. Only select components that are highlighted in yellow or green should be selected!

Preparing a data sheet:

  • Right-click on the selected component.
    A new menu window opens.
  • Left-click on: “Create data sheet”.

Manual selection 2:


Manual selection 3: