Formula table

This section provides an overview of possible functions that can be used in the settings area of TC3 Motion Designer.

Function and mathematical expression


Negative sign [neg]

Numerical value or inverse function with negative sign (-)

Sine [sin]

Trigonometric sine function

Cosine [cos]

Trigonometric cosine function

Tangent [tan]

Trigonometric tangent function

Arc sine [asin]

Inverse function of the trigonometric sine function (arc function)

Arc cosine [acos]

Inverse function of the trigonometric cosine function (arc function)

Arc tangent [atan]

Inverse function of the trigonometric tangent function (arc function)

Hyperbolic sine [sinh]

Mathematical hyperbolic function (sine)

Hyperbolic cosine [cosh]

Mathematical hyperbolic function (cosine)

Hyperbolic tangent [tanh]

Mathematical hyperbolic function (tangent)

Area hyperbolic sine [asinh]

Inverse function of the hyperbolic sine function (area function)

Area hyperbolic cosine [acosh]

Inverse function of the hyperbolic cosine function (area function)

Area hyperbolic tangent [atanh]

Inverse function of the hyperbolic tangent function (area function)

Exponential function [exp / e²]

Function in the form ϰ ↦ α“ based on real numbers a > 0 and a ≠ 1

Logarithm [log]

The logarithm of a number describes the exponent with which a specified number
(base) must be raised in order to obtain the required number.

Integral cosine [ceil]

Function with a function rule containing an integral and the cosine function.

Absolute value [abs]

Absolute numerical value

Sigmoid function [sign]

This function describes a scaled and shifted hyperbolic tangent function (area function) containing e (Euler number).

Modulo [mod]

Modulo calculates the remainder (b) of a division (n) divided by m. This enables a function in which each pair of numbers (n; m) contains an unambiguous remainder b.

Minimum value [min]

Minimum possible and permissible value

Maximum value [max]

Maximum possible and permitted value

Sum [sum]

Result of an addition