
A container for dynamic constraints.

Do not call the main FB directly. Only use the available methods.

DynamicConstraint_Container 1: Methods




Removes all dynamic constraints from the container.


Adds a copy of a dynamic constraint to the container. If the dynamic constraint changes afterwards, the value in the container will not reflect that change.


Adds a reference to a dynamic constraint to the container. If the dynamic constraint changes afterwards, the value in the container will reflect that change.

Further information

The function block DynamicConstraint_Container does not define its own constraints. Its purpose is to combine several other dynamics constraints into one object. This may be necessary, for example, if both the dynamic values on the path and the dynamic values of a single coordinate are to be constrained for a movement.

Both copies and references of constraints can be added to an instance of the DynamicConstraint_Container:

DynamicConstraint_Container 2: AddConstraint

A copy of a dynamics constraint is added to the instance of the DynamicConstraint_Container. Changes to the origin constraint do not affect the copy of the constraint in the instance of the DynamicConstraint_Container.

DynamicConstraint_Container 3: AddConstraintByReference

A reference to a dynamics constraint is added to the instance of the DynamicConstraint_Container. Changes in the constraint are taken into account by the instance of DynamicConstraint_Container.

System Requirements

Development environment

Target system type

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT V3.1.4024.12

Advanced Motion Pack V3.1.10.30

PC or CX (x64)
