Time base | Timebase for calculating the percentage. Currently, a fixed timebase of 1 millisecond is set. |
CPU Usage/Limit | The slider can be used to allocate processor time to the TwinCAT real-time system. Currently, a timebase of 1 millisecond is set. In the example shown, TwinCAT is allocated a maximum of 80 % of the computing time. With a timebase of 1 ms, this means that TwinCAT has a maximum of 800 µs available per millisecond. It also means that at least 200 μs remain for Windows. When the TwinCAT real-time system switches to its idle task, the processor is returned to Windows. The slider bar shows the current utilization of the real-time system. The display is averaged over 256 cycles (ms). |
System latency | This shows the current and maximum latency time in the real-time system. The time by which the central system tick is delayed is measured. The maximum time is stored until the slider is operated or the dialog is exited. The latency time is, of course, also measured when the dialog is not open. If the set maximum time is exceeded, a message is displayed once in the window, and a logbook entry is created. By calling up the dialog, the message can be reset so that a message is displayed again when the next timeout occurs. |