Command Multiply visu element

Symbol: Command Multiply visu element 1:

Function: The command opens the dialog Multiply visu element, which you can use to configure the multiplying procedure.

Call: Menu Visualization, context menu

Requirement: The visualization is active, and a template element is selected.

Dialog Multiply visu element

TwinCAT adds more elements, which resemble the template element. In this dialog you can configure the number and arrangement of the indices, as well as their replacement.

Tab Basic settings

Total number of elements:

TwinCAT inserts the new elements as a table. The number of lines is set in horizontal, the number of columns in vertical. The product of the two determines the actual total number of elements to be inserted.


Number of elements per line

Preset: Corresponds to the number of components in $FIRSTDIM$


Number of elements per column

Preset: Corresponds to the number of components in $SECONDDIM$

Offset between the elements:

TwinCAT arranges the elements in the visualization as a table. If you specify an offset, a spacing is inserted between the elements.

  • 0 : The element frames overlap by one pixel
  • 1 : The elements are in contact
  • <n> : Between the elements there is a visible spacing of n-1 pixels


Line spacing of elements in pixels


Column spacing of elements in pixels

Advanced Settings tab

First dimension:

Start index

Start index for $FIRSTDIM$

Preset: 1 means the specific index for $FIRSTDIM$ starts with 1. Example array[1, <$SECONDDIM$>]


Number by which the index is incremented

Preset: 1

Second dimension:

Start index

Starting index for $SECONDDIM$

Preset: 1 means the specific index for $SECONDDIM$ starts with 1. Example array [<$FIRSTDIM$>, 1] are relevant


Number by which the index is incremented

Preset: 1