Command Import/Export Text Lists

Symbol: Command Import/Export Text Lists 1:

Function: The command exports an active text list, imports a file or synchronizes a text list with a file. The file is in CSV format. The Import/Export dialog offers options for this purpose.

Call: Menu Textlist, context menu

Requirement: A text list or a global text list is open and active.

Import/Export dialog

Command Import/Export Text Lists 2:

Choose file to compare or to import

File, which TwinCAT reads.

Command Import/Export Text Lists 3: opens the Choose textlist file dialog, in which you can select a file.

Choose export file

File to which TwinCAT writes.

Command Import/Export Text Lists 4: opens the Choose textlist file dialog, in which you can select a file and a directory.

Import/Export Type:


Requirement: A file is selected in Choose file to compare or to import.

The file may contain text list records for the global text list of for text lists.

Global text list:

  • TwinCAT reads the file, compares the text list records for the same source text and applies differences in the translations. TwinCAT overwrites the translations in the project, if necessary.

Text lists:

  • TwinCAT reads the file, compares the text list records for the same IDs and applies differences in the source text and the translation to the project. TwinCAT overwrites the text list records in the project, if necessary.
  • If the file contains a new ID, the text list entry is imported into the text list of the project, and the text list is amended.

Import replacement file

Requirement: A replacement file is selected in Choose file to compare or to import.

The replacement file contains replacements for the global text list.

TwinCAT processes the replacement file line-by-line and implements the specified replacements in the global text list. The structure of the replacement file is described in section Managing Static Text in Global Text Lists.


Requirement: The file to which TwinCAT writes is selected in "Choose export file".

TwinCAT exports all texts from all text lists of the current project. All languages available in the project are inserted as columns in the export file. The file can be used to translate the language-dependent text externally.

Export only text differences

Requirement: An import file for the comparison is selected in Choose file to compare or to import. An export file to which TwinCAT writes is selected in Choose export file.

TwinCAT reads the import file and compares the lines of the active text list with it. TwinCAT ignores any matching lines. If lines differ, TwinCAT writes the line to the export file and applies translations from the text list. TwinCAT applies the translations from the import file and overwrites them, if applicable.

See also: