Encrypting the boot project

Encrypting the boot project 1:

Requirement: A current version of Windows or TwinCAT/BSD® on the target system

Encryption is not supported by older operating systems such as Windows NT, Windows CE / Windows Embedded Compact.

The encryption of the boot project is set (on the target-system) in the root node of the PLC project.

A user database is selected (and valid) in TwinCAT Engineering.
The project must be linked with the user database as information from the user database is used for encryption.
1. Double-click on the PLC project object in the PLC project tree in the Solution Explorer.
The PLC project settings are opened in an editor.
2. In the Project tab, select the Encrypt boot project entry in the drop-down list of the Encryption setting.
Encrypting the boot project 2:
The boot project is stored encrypted on the target system when it is activated for the target system.
Encrypting the boot project 3:

Neither a user database nor an OEM certificate is required for decryption of the boot project on the target system.