Link to another object

It is possible to set a link to the documentation of another library object that is also included in that library. Clicking this link displays the documentation of the linked object or function block.


The reference consists of :ref: followed by a reference name, which is specified in backquotes:



(In the sample project: B_DocuElements\Hyperlinks\FB_Libdoc_LinkToAnotherObject)

The following sample code contains two links, which refer to different function blocks. Clicking this link displays the documentation of the linked function block in the Library Manager.

| It is also possible to create a reference to the documentation of another object which is also part of this library.
| For example, by clicking on this link :ref:`FB_Libdoc_InlineHyperlinks`, the documentation of this FB will be shown.
| Or you can also create a link to :ref:`FB_Libdoc_CodeBlock` which is part of another folder.