Named automatically numbered footnotes
For named automatically numbered footnotes, each footnote is automatically assigned a name, and a label is explicitly specified at the same time.
Footnote reference
Description | The footnote reference consists of a footnote label in square brackets followed by an underscore at the end. The footnote label is a single "#" followed by any label. |
Start and end characters | Start character = "[", end character = "]_" (See also: Inline markup) |
Description | Each footnote (footnote label) consists of an explicit markup start (".. "), the footnote label enclosed in square brackets, and a space followed by indented body elements (footnote content). (See also: Explicit markup blocks) |
Principle |
Properties |
The sample shows an automatically numbered footnote that references both a footnote reference (
(See also: Automatically numbered footnotes) |
The following sample automatically shows numbered footnotes with explicit footnote labels.
(In sample project: B_DocuElements\Hyperlinks\Footnotes\FB_Libdoc_NamedAutomaticallyNumberedFootnotes)
**Autonumbered labeled footnotes**
They may be assigned 'autonumber labels' - for instance, [#first]_ and [#second]_.
.. [#first] a.k.a. first_
.. [#second] a.k.a. second_