Anonymous hyperlinks

Designations of hyperlinks should generally be as detailed and meaningful as possible. However, duplicating a long reference name in the hyperlink target can be time-consuming and error-prone.

For anonymous hyperlinks, the hyperlink target does not contain a reference name, that is, the name of the hyperlink reference is not used to match the reference with its target. Instead, the order of anonymous hyperlink targets within the comment is significant: The first anonymous hyperlink reference is linked to the first anonymous hyperlink target, and so on. The number of anonymous hyperlink references in the comment must match the number of anonymous hyperlink targets.

Anonymous hyperlinks can lead to misleading and illegible comments. For reasons of readability, it is recommended that the hyperlink targets are placed as close as possible to the hyperlink references.

Anonymous hyperlinks 1:

When editing comments with anonymous hyperlinks, note that the order of the corresponding hyperlink targets must also be adjusted, especially when adding, removing, and rearranging hyperlink references.

Hyperlink reference


The hyperlink reference consists of the reference name followed by two underscores:


Phrase references must be specified in back quotes.

`anonymous hyperlink reference name`__.

Start and end characters

  • No start character, end character = "__"
  • Start character = "`", end character = "`__" (phrase references)

(See also: Inline markup)

Hyperlink target


The hyperlink target consists of an explicit markup start (".. "), two underscores, a colon, spaces and a link block. There is no reference name.

.. __: anonymous-hyperlink-target-link-block

Alternatively, anonymous hyperlinks can consist of two underscores, a space and a link block:

__ anonymous-hyperlink-target-link-block

(See also: Explicit markup blocks)


|".. "|"__"name":" link  |
+-----+block             |
      |                  |


In the following sample, the first anonymous hyperlink reference refers to the Beckhoff online information system, the second anonymous hyperlink reference refers to the Beckhoff website. If the order of the anonymous hyperlink targets is changed, the assignment of the references also changes.
(In sample project: B_DocuElements\Hyperlinks\FB_Libdoc_AnonymousHyperlinks)

See the `Beckhoff Online Information System`__ or the `Beckhoff home page`__.

.. __:

.. __:

Anonymous hyperlinks 2: