Grid table

Grid tables provide a complete table display. They allow any cell contents (text body elements) as well as the linking of rows and columns. However, it can be difficult to create grid tables, especially for simple data records.

A simpler (but limited) table representation can be found in section Simple table.



The following sample illustrates:

(In sample project: B_DocuElements\Tables\FB_Libdoc_GridTable)

| Header row, column 1   | Header 2   | Header 3 | Header 4 |
| (header rows optional) |            |          |          |
| body row 1, column 1   | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |
| body row 2             | Cells may span columns.          |
| body row 3             | Cells may  | - Table cells       |
+------------------------+ span rows. | - contain           |
| body row 4             |            | - body elements.    |

Grid table 1:

Sample of an unwanted interaction between grid character and cell text

The following table contains a cell in row 2, which ranges from column 2 to column 4:

| row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3  | column 4  |
| row 2        |                                  |
| row 3        |          |           |           |

When a vertical bar is used in the text of this cell, unintended effects may occur if it is inadvertently aligned to a column boundary:

| row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3  | column 4  |
| row 2        | Use the command ``ls | more``.   |
| row 3        |          |           |           |

Several solutions are possible to break the continuity of the grid structure.

One way is to move the text by adding an additional space before the cell text. The space is removed in the output.

| row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3  | column 4  |
| row 2        |  Use the command ``ls | more``.  |
| row 3        |          |           |           |

Another option is to add an additional row to row 2. The blank line is removed from the output.

| row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3  | column 4  |
| row 2        | Use the command ``ls | more``.   |
|              |                                  |
| row 3        |          |           |           |