Line-oriented text block (line block)

Text blocks in which each line begins with the prefix "|" followed by a space are called line blocks in reStructuredText. Each vertical bar prefix indicates a new line.

Line blocks are suitable for structures where the line layout is important. In addition, a line block can be used to force blank lines in the Library Manager display or to separate text body elements.



|"| "|line               |
+----|continuation line  |


The following sample shows the nesting of line blocks and the structure of continuation lines.
(In sample project: B_DocuElements\Text blocks\FB_Libdoc_LineBlock)

| Each new line begins with 
| a vertical bar ("|"). 
|     Line breaks and initial indents 
|     are preserved. 
| Continuation lines are wrapped 
  portions of long lines; they begin 
  with spaces in place of vertical bars.

Line-oriented text block (line block) 1:

If there is another text body element in front of a line block, the entire line block can be indented (the minimum indentation is one space).

Line blocks are useful where the structure of lines is significant.

| Each new line begins with 
| a vertical bar ("|"). 
|     Line breaks and initial indents 
|     are preserved. 
| Continuation lines are wrapped 
  portions of long lines; they begin 
  with spaces in place of vertical bars.

    | Each new line begins with 
    | a vertical bar ("|"). 
    |     Line breaks and initial indents 
    |     are preserved. 
    | Continuation lines are wrapped 
      portions of long lines; they begin 
      with spaces in place of vertical bars.

Line-oriented text block (line block) 2: