Ordered (numbered) enumeration list

An ordered (numbered) enumeration list consists of text blocks (bullets) starting with a number or a letter and a separator followed by a space. The list items follow a certain sequence.


A. Einstein was a really
smart dude
A. Einstein was a really smart dude
\A. Einstein was a really smart dude


|"1. "|list item        |
|     |(body elements)  |


The following sample shows an ordered (numbered) enumeration list with two levels. There are three spaces before the list items in the sublist.
(In sample project: B_DocuElements\Lists\FB_Libdoc_OrderedNumberedEnumerationList)

1) This is the first item in the list.

   (a) This is the first subitem (1a).
   (b) This is the second subitem (1b).

2) This is the second item in the list.

   (a) This is the first subitem (2a).
   (b) This is the second subitem (2b).

#) This item is auto-enumerated.

Ordered (numbered) enumeration list 1: