Command Quick Find

Symbol: Command Quick Find 1:

Hotkey: [Ctrl] + [F]

Function: The command scans the project or parts of it for a specific string.

Call: Menu Edit > Find and Replace

The command opens the Find and Replace dialog (Find in Files button is active), in which you enter the search string and the search options.

Find and Replace dialog

Command Quick Find 2:

Replace in Files

Switches to the Find and Replace dialog (button Replace in Files is active)

Find what

Search string.

Look in

Command Quick Find 3:: Selection list with the objects that are searched:

Entire solution: All editable places in all objects of the project are scanned.

Current project:

All open documents: All editors that are currently open in a window are scanned.

Current document: Only the editor in which the cursor is currently located is searched.

Command Quick Find 4:: Opens a dialog in which the objects to be searched can be defined more precisely.

Match case

Command Quick Find 5:: The search is case-sensitive.

Match whole word

Command Quick Find 6:: Only strings that exactly match the search string are found.

Look at these file types

Drop-down list for selecting a file type

Use Regular Expressions

Enables the Command Quick Find 7: button, which will help you enter regular expressions.

This function ist not supported for PLC editors!

Display file names only

Command Quick Find 8:: Only file names are displayed.

Find Next

Start the search. The next search result is displayed at its position in the corresponding editor.

Find All

All search results are shown in the message window. The object and the exact position of the search result are displayed.

  • (Decl): Declaration part of the object
  • (Impl): Implementation part of the object

Double-click on the list entry to display the search result in the editor.

See also: