Bound Checks (POU CheckBounds)

Functions for checking the field boundaries: CheckBounds

The purpose of this monitoring function is to deal with field bound violations as appropriate. A response to a violation may be setting of an error flag or changing the array index, for example. The check is only performed with a variable array index. A consistently faulty array index results in a compiler error. TwinCAT calls the function implicitly as soon as an ARRAY variable is assigned values.

After inserting the function, automatically generated code appears in the declaration part and the implementation part.

Bound Checks (POU CheckBounds) 1:

Do not change the declaration part

To maintain the functionality of the monitoring functions, the declaration part must not be modified. The only exception is to add local variables.

Standard implementation

Declaration part:

// Implicitly generated code : DO NOT EDIT
    index, lower, upper: DINT;

Implementation part:

// Implicitly generated code : Only an Implementation suggestion
IF index < lower THEN
    CheckBounds := lower;
ELSIF index > upper THEN
    CheckBounds := upper;
    CheckBounds := index;

When the function is called it is assigned the following input parameters:

The return value is the index of the array element, provided it is in the valid range. Otherwise TwinCAT returns the upper or lower bound, depending on which bound was exceeded.

Sample implementation

Declaration part:

// Implicitly generated code : DO NOT EDIT
    index, lower, upper: DINT;
// User defined local variables
    sMessageLow   : STRING := 'CheckBounds: Index too low (%d)';
    sMessageHigh  : STRING := 'CheckBounds: Index too high (%d)';

Implementation part:

// Index too low
IF index < lower THEN
    CheckBounds := lower;
    // Increase global counter
    GVL_CheckBounds.nTooLow := GVL_CheckBounds.nTooLow + 1;
    // Log message
               msgFmtStr   := sMessageLow,
               dintArg     := index);

// Index too high
ELSIF index > upper THEN
    CheckBounds := upper;
    // Increase global counter
    GVL_CheckBounds.nTooHigh := GVL_CheckBounds.nTooHigh + 1;
    // Log message
               msgFmtStr   := sMessageHigh,
               dintArg     := index);

// Index OK
    CheckBounds := index;

Like in the standard implementation, in this sample implementation a violation of the array range is corrected by returning the upper or lower bound. In addition a global counter is incremented, if the array is accessed outside the defined array range. The global counters therefore represent the number of upper or lower bound violations for entire project. In addition, the function ADSLOGDINT from the Tc2_System library is used to issue a violation of the array bounds as a warning in the message window.

Application sample

In the program listed below, the index exceeds the defined upper bound of the field aSample. The CheckBounds function corrects this access to the array, which takes place outside the defined array bounds.

    aSample : ARRAY[0..7] OF BOOL;
    nIndex  : INT := 10;
aSample[nIndex] := TRUE;

In this example, the CheckBounds function causes index 10 to be changed to the upper bound of the array range of aSample (7). The element aSample[7] is assigned the value TRUE. In this way, the function corrects array accesses outside the valid field range. However, it is essential that the cause of the error, namely the access to the element in position 10, is also corrected. So that this automatically corrected faulty access does not remain undiscovered, a warning is displayed in the message window in this example, as described above.

See also: