REAL/LREAL Constants
You can specify floating-point numbers as REAL and LREAL constants in dot notation or in exponential notation with mantissa and exponent. The dot serves as a decimal symbol according to the International System of Units (English).
Syntax Exponential representation:
<significand> e | E <exponent>
exponent : -44..38 // REAL
exponent : -324..308 // LREAL
7.4 | Decimal number; 7,4 with comma returns compiler error. |
1/3.0 | Decimal fraction for 0.333333343 Note: When dividing integer types, the result remains an integer type. Truncation takes place. For example, 1/3 returns 0 as the result. |
1.64e+009 | Exponential representation |
REAL literal
-3.402823e+38 | Smallest number |
-1E-44 | Largest negative number |
1.0E-44 | Smallest positive number |
3.402823e+38 | Largest number |
LREAL literal
-1.7976931348623157E+308 | Smallest number |
-4.94065645841247E-324 | Largest negative number |
4.94065645841247E-324 | Smallest positive number |
1.7976931348623157E+308 | Largest number |
![]() | Allocation of a particularly large literal To assign an integer literal that is greater than the upper limit of ULINT, either set a comma or specify an explicit typecast. Without such a specification as a floating-point number, information can be lost. |
See also: